Frank and Upfront
4 min readFeb 11, 2021

Why Prince Harry will always be a King in my book

I recently viewed a documentary on Diana, the princess of whales, and the way in which she was harassed by paparazzi for most of her life, which led to her untimely death in 1997. Shortly after the birth of his and Megan's son, Archie, Prince Harry made an announcement to the world that he was leaving the royal family, and moving to California. In the documentary, Harry explained his reasons for doing so.

Born 1984, Harry was only 12 years of age when his mother died in a car accident in a Paris tunnel while fleeing the paparazzi, an event that left him devastated, and perhaps even scarred for life. Seeing the cause of her death, he then realized that a life being chased by paparazzi is not such a glamorous one. When he married Megan Markle, and started his own family, Harry didn't want them suffering the same fate as his mother, so he took them away from all that, and moved them out to Cali hoping to provide them with a more quiet existence. How noble of him to have done that, even at the expense of his potential to be King someday.

Prince Harry is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, he has flaws just like everyone else, but even so, I regard him as one of the most humble of the royals, much like his mother, which would explain why they are so well liked by the public. They don't let the power, or title get to their heads. His brother William is more like their father, Prince Charles. He was also affected by their mother's death, but not in the same way Harry was, he always kept his eyes on the prize, and that may well have been his coping mechanism. It is said that great men are made from terrible tragedies. Would Bruce Wayne ever don the cape and cowl in a world where his parents were never murdered? William promises to be a legendary King someday, especially if the world is faced with a great calamity during his reign.

Harry on the other hand partied with reckless abandonment throughout his twenties, until he met Megan. With his mother dead, and the British crown not quite within his grasp, he was perhaps trying to find his purpose during those wild, party days, and meeting Megan was like him finding that purpose. But even then, he didn't realize his true purpose until he had a family to protect. He could've quietly stepped away from royalty, but he decided instead to go public with it. Regardless of his reasons for doing so, his story nonetheless serves as an example to the world of how one can truly step into their Kingsmanship.

Going no contact from a narcissistic family is no easy feat, it requires will, vision and perseverance, or sometimes, only the will with no vision. Some people flee while penniless, and have to start from scratch. Others end up in a battered wife shelter, or even on the street until they are able to land their first job. Then there are those who lost their health, and their entire life savings due to neglect and elder abuse, and they have to start their lives all over again in old age. Those are just a few examples. Whatever the situation may be though, one thing is abundantly clear, he who flees persecution is not without obstacles. The end might be beautiful, but the beginning is often rough. In the beginning stages, many of us often second guess ourselves, we wonder if we're even making the right decision, or if God is punishing us for leaving. It's only when things eventually start falling into place that we realize he's not.

Prince Harry's situation reflects many of our own struggles, he too was fleeing a narcissistic family. There are many things going on internally with that family that the public wouldn't even begin to suspect, and I'm not talking about the few scandals that were captured by the press like news of Prince Charles's infidelity for example. Those scandals had only barely scratched the surface of the deep rooted narcissism that runs in that family, and he who feels it knows it, so I can't fault the man for deciding to do what's best for his family, and sparing them both from not only a lifetime of total disregard for privacy at the hands of the paparazzi, but from the narcissism they would have to endure from remaining in that family.

After all, I still have my suspicions as to whether the royals had set up Princess Diana to be assassinated, and made it look like an accident while they're all sitting up at her funeral bawling a bunch of crocodile tears. And we know that the royals don't like Megan because of her mixed heritage. Diana was not the first person that this happened to, something similar happened to the Hollywood film actress Grace Kelly who married Rainier III, the Prince of Monaco in 1956, and suffered a similar fate to Princess Diana in 1982. In fact, Megan's story is more identical to Grace Kelly than it is to Princess Diana because she also happens to be a film actress from Los Angeles. So perhaps Harry was able to envision his new family being in potential danger that made him decide to boss up, and go no contact from his family of origin. Once again, he who feels it knows it.

Prince Harry's actions are befitting of a King, and it was the royals who had suffered the greater loss. He may never be the King of England, but he was already a King in his own right, and he doesn't need their validation to prove it.

Frank and Upfront

Online column written by Mr. Franklin discussing a range of social issues plaguing our society. I also host a weekly podcast on anchor.