Frank and Upfront
8 min readMar 29, 2021

Derrick Jaxn Proves My Point About Adultery and Righteous Polygyny

Popular Youtuber Derrick Jaxn has been receiving copious amounts of press coverage over the past few days, even from mainstream media outlets like the BBC. As reports of his infidelity spreads like wildfire, Jaxn himself appeared live on social media with his wife by his side to address the matter. His timing couldn’t be more impeccable as I’d recently recorded several podcasts where I was discussing the strength of a woman, and rules for practicing righteous polygyny.

I am of the belief that men are naturally polygynous. The reason why it may sound weird to you is because you have become all too familiar with the artificial social conditions of monogamy, which is all apart of living in scarcity and lack. Nature never intended for us to live in scarcity, nature intended for us to live an abundant life, and polygyny is part of that abundance. But with polygyny, there must be rules, and responsibilities in order for it to be made righteous. One of the polygynist’s greatest acts of responsibility is that of total transparency with any and all women that he may be involved with at any given time.

When two people make love, they tend to catch these things called FEELINGS, for each other, as they constantly exchange spiritual energy, or loosh throughout the entire duration of the act. Both genders catch feelings for each other, but the female feels these emotions way more intensely than the man, with her being the weaker vessel, and all. With that said, when you engage someone sexually, though you are not expected to be responsible for the heart of another adult, you are however responsible for being totally honest, and transparent about your intentions right from the jump. With transparency, they are now able to more accurately decide whether to stay, or leave based on whether they are in agreement with your lifestyle choices. If they are not in agreement, they have the freedom to leave, and it really shouldn’t phase you either way because you’re supposed to be living in abundance regardless. There are plenty of other women out there who are happily in agreement with polygyny, otherwise swinger clubs wouldn’t exist.

When you play with someone’s heart, and mislead them into believing themselves to be the only one that you’re romantically involved with, what you are essentially doing is to selfishly hold on to them, when you could’ve set them free to be happy with someone else. The problem is that your ego is too great, and you have to have your cake, and eat it too, just like a narcissist would. It is the narcissistic trait of jealousy and possessiveness, and the lies that one tells to unreasonably hold on to that person longer than necessary, that makes polygyny toxic, and gives it a bad rep. It’s a pity these entitled fools fail to realize that they’re actually hurting their own cause, and hurting the rest of us polygynists when they carryout these acts. Derrick Jaxn was true to his nature, there’s nothing wrong with that, but he broke the cardinal rule of polygyny as far as transparency is concerned.

You can be a polygynist all you want, but never drag an unsuspecting person into a relationship with you under the pretext of exclusivity, or going steady. The moment you do that, you’re no longer a polygynist, you’re now an adulterer. The primary difference between a polygynist, and an adulterer is that the polygynist thoroughly vets potential new concubines (often with the assistance of his wife) before inviting them into his life to make sure they’re spiritually compatible, and free of STD’s. Polygyny also involves cohabitation of the sister-wives under one roof, unlike adultery where, except for a few bold cases, the affair generally tends to play itself out in cars, motels, and telephone booths all over town.

The adulterer on the other hand tends to carelessly, and disrespectfully sleep around all willy nilly, which increases the risk of inviting STDs, extramarital pregnancies, unclean spirits, and all other kinds of calamities into their life. His unsuspecting wife is also at risk of being affected because he may end up transferring some of the demons he caught from his side chick onto her, then the next thing you know, they start fighting constantly among themselves without even realizing the source of their troubles until his adultery has been exposed, like what I suspect may have happened to Derrick Jaxn and his wife. I don’t care who you think you are, nothing gives you the right to go around collecting a jar of hearts for your own selfish amusement. That’s not ok!

There are many different ways to practice righteous polygyny, but right off the bat, only 3 comes to mind:

  1. Simultaneous polygyny, which calls for the greatest exercise of maturity, as it requires one to be transparent with his intentions from day one, especially if they’re planning to cohabit.
  2. Polygyny achieved over time where one enters into brief, and torrid love affairs, and end up dating different people at different times of his life. This one also calls for transparency without the stress of arranging cohabitation. This means that you can slow down to a walk, and kind of move at a slower pace, but you still have to be clear about your intentions though. Tell her you only want a brief love affair, and that you’re not looking for anything long term, and give her the option to stay, or leave. But don’t have her mapping out your entire lives in her head while you’re planning to break up with her in 6 months. That’s not cool! It’s ok to be good to people who haven’t wronged you!
  3. It’s ok if you don’t know what you want to do with yourself yet. That’s why prostitutes exist. It’s the safest way to enjoy the abundance of having different women, and practice polygyny without getting anyone’s hopes up, and hurting their feelings. Everyone understands why they’re there, and know that it’s strictly business, so the expectation of someone catching feelings for the next person is far lower than in the case of the two previous examples. Transparency is still required, but the difference in this case is that each person is more responsible for maintaining their own sense of reality as it is the only situation for which there’s no expectation of catching emotional feelings for your sex partner, even though it’s been known to happen. When in doubt, ask questions, and have an honest conversation about it. The best way to break the ice is to ask: How do you truly feel about me? Do you think this is something that can work outside of business? It’s ok to ask these questions, rather than sit there in your feelings with unreasonable expectations, and that’s even when dealing with women in general.

I’ve witnessed the way adultery has the power to destroy families. My parents separated when I was 15, because of adultery. My father moved out the house and married his baby mama. I had strong family values, and marriage values, and I would never disrespect the institution of marriage. My parent’s separation only solidified my marriage values for the better. So when I was in my 20’s, and going through a bit of a dry spell, even though temptation was thrown my way, I stayed strong for the most part, and I suffered because of it.

There was this one time when an older woman who worked at my job was trying to triangulate me with the guy she was seeing who also worked at that same job. She promised me that she would “talk to him” which I assumed to mean that she was going to break up with him, and I had a moment of weakness where I was tempted to accept her offer. It’s not one of my proudest moments, but thankfully, the spirit of the living God saw to it that I was fired from my job before things got out of hand, or else I probably wouldn’t live to tell the tale.

That was more than 10 years ago, and I am now more resolute than ever in my stance that I would much rather stay single for the rest of my life, or at the very least, enlist the services of an escort for the remainder of my days than to take part in any act of adultery. This stance led me down a path where I eventually discovered the red pill, and MGTOW, in hopes of finding answers to so many questions about life. What I got from taking the red pill 5 years ago, is a complete different mindset for which I can appreciate its benefits in my life, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

If all you’re looking for is a nut, and you’re not yet ready for a commitment, then please consider the prostitute as a viable alternative to traditional dating. It’s the quickest, and easiest option out there, and in many instances, it’s actually safer than dating traditionally, especially when you consider that #MeToo is out there waiting for you to mess up, and tinder is basically a narcissist’s dream come true. What other option is really available to accommodate your not so average 21st century philanderer? They done fucked the game up?

Sit down one day, and have an honest conversation with yourself about what you really want (which is why fasting and meditation is so important), and if you find that you’re not yet ready to settle down, that’s ok. There’s an option for you to get your rocks off without dragging an innocent, unsuspecting person into a relationship, or marriage you know you’re not ready for, creating more damaged people, and wasting time in the process. As hard as it is to believe, some of us actually have good hearts in spite of our circumstances, perhaps even because of it. As you can probably tell, my life hasn’t been easy, but if I can choose to NOT turn into a narcissist, then the likes of a Derrick Jaxn has no excuse.

If I engaged in adultery, I’d be no different from my father and his wife, or my ex work colleague from 10 years ago. If it all comes down to it, I’d much rather be a whoremonger, than to be an adulterer, at least I’m not out here hurting anybody as a monger, I’m just out here minding my business, shooting my shots, doing what I do, and every night I can sleep with a clear conscience. I don’t have to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder wondering if today is going to be my last day. The adulterer has no right to judge me for being a whoremonger, we’re not the same. I suppose it’s true that all sin is equal in the eyes of God, the difference lies in character. God doesn’t care who you have sex with, he cares about your character, and someone who’s willing to put even his very soul at risk if it means preserving the sanctity of marriage has demonstrated that he has the kind of stealth that seems to be lacking in the adulterer, among other cheap characters. I confess, I am a sinner, but wicked I am not.

Frank and Upfront

Online column written by Mr. Franklin discussing a range of social issues plaguing our society. I also host a weekly podcast on anchor.